From One Mom / Parent to Another

I see myself as a pro-food doctor (when I started practice) and now a pro-food mom. It is surprising and frustrating as well to see so many new myths – fads around food springing every day and really bright people not just embracing them, but also vehemently promoting them, without giving this new found knowledge some time to see the impact on their mind-body-soul.

Why the short-sightedness? Why the shortcuts? Why are intelligent people falling prey to these and what is even more surprising is that now they are teaching these same dim-witted concepts to their children – at least spare them the grief and educate them about balanced diet. Let their Knowledge of Food and Health be simple, uncomplicated and real.

My agitation comes from recently meeting parents who are forcing their new found food gyan on their kids, and yes seeing posts, and reading articles of proud parents introducing their children to warped ways of eating.

A 5 year old is not allowed a home made ladoo or an aloo paratha made in ghee because ghee is fattening, he is fat and his father’s side of the family is fat. He can eat packaged biscuits, granola bars, packaged flavoured yogurts, quinoa salad or avocado on toast. πŸ˜•πŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ€

His mother clearly dint care much about him having no physical activity. He in fact is considered ‘not cool’ if he wants to go down to play. He is supposed to read books of higher classes and play word games online- why of course because he is supposed to be a bright cool kid! Sweaty kids are not cool, you see πŸ₯΄πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜¨

A sincere request from one mother/ parent to another – Please spare your kids this torture. I understand you are smart, tech savy, internet friendly, highly educated parents, but please do not mess with your children’s health- mental, physical and emotional.

Food is essential to life. Help your children find balance instead of confusing them. How many children are suffering from poor immunity today inspite of being fed so called ‘healthy’ food. Think about it!?

How often does your child retaliate the latest food discovery you place before them? Children want food – not proportioned or rationed carbs, proteins and fats.

Please know – Children are smart! Don’t you remember how even when they were just born, they knew when to howl, so you would nurse them and immediately refused to feed further when full. They did not care about carbs, proteins or fats. They in fact did not even care, that they did not let mommy dear sleep through the night.

So spare your kids, the latest food fad as these fads never last and newer ones keep replacing them. Instead let your child grow in an atmosphere of love, food, fun, education, understanding and acceptance!

5 Steps to a Healthy Heart – World Heart Day


There is a misconception that heart disease is caused due to excessive levels of #cholesterol but studies have found it be untrue.

Most often heart ailments are caused by #alcohol, #smoking, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits such as over consumption of packaged & processed foods, high stress levels which all could to inflammation of the heart.

The inflammation of the heart causes lesser amount of blood flow in the arteries and this leads to heart attack. Normally, Dr. Khushboo, recommends correct eating, deep breathing exercises, walks, ensuring work-life balance can help you to have a healthy heart.

Find below – her 5 Steps to a Healthy Heart

#MerakiHolisticHealth #holistichealth #DrKhushbooThakkerGarodia #heart #diabetes #hearthealthy #hearthealth #nutrition #workout #exercises #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #prevention #awareness @worldheartday

Lose Weight without Workout!

I am sure of 2 things happening –

  1. A lot of people will want to read this article – because so many people want to lose weight, but not workout
  2. People who have known me, will be stunned – “Is this really Khushboo promoting no workout?”

Well – the whole point of the title was to grab your attention, and I am sure I managed to grab it. Also this post comes after a long phase of silence (well – I am still slowly settling into motherhood, so kindly pardon my lapses)

Sunday morning, I was enjoying my chai and came across a Facebook post of a friend, on a “Diet” that promised weight loss without exercise, so obviously I had to talk – how could I not. I may have donned an additional hat – but I am still that food lover, the pro – sensible long term fat loss, keeping health the prime focus kinda woman.

I don’t get why exercise has such a bad name, that people use it as a marketing strategy. Well, for starters, exercise is important for health – it is NOT punishment. But most people are forced to exercise, when their excessive weight comes in their way – like pcos (leading difficult conception), high cholesterol, bad knees or cardiac issues.

I am shocked when people promote and even prefer weight loss by the kilos – ‘kitna kilo, kitne mahine main” (how many kgs in how many months) – and who is the biggest loser in this – not your weight for sure, but YOU. You lose your health, your youth, your skin, your hair, good food and even your peace of mind.

Exercise when coupled with eating correctly (mind you I promote eating right, not dieting, not fad diets, not soup salad for dinner, not low carb, etc) is the fastest, most guaranteed and sure shot way of achieving your dream body.

Exercise improves our blood circulation, strengthens the digestive fire and intestines – thus helping us digest better, prevents us from over stuffing our stomachs and faces, trains our body to consume calories from food instead of storing it as fat – leading to Fat Loss in the long run

So its time we stop taking exercise so casually, and to those who are too busy to exercise

fb1If you have time for #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #twitter or even #pinterest – you most definitely have time to WORKOUT

So save the excuses and make time to exercise, because

Excuse will not get you 'that' bodyEXERCISE will


Baked Parmesan Wedges

I love Potatoes! For me potato is comfort food. And yes – it is Healthy too! (Like any other food, as long as you eat it in moderation, Potato is good for you too)

“Power-Packed” Potato-ey Parmesan Wedges, made a perfect side to my dinner last night.


Here comes the Recipe:



  • 2-3Β boiled potatoes, sliced into wedges. (You can leave the skin on – tastes way better!)
  • Finely chopped Parsley – handful
  • 1 pod garlic – finely grated
  • 1tsp Oregano
  • 1tsp Rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp Thyme
  • 1 tsp Chilly flakes
  • 1/2 tbsp Oil
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • 2-3 tbsp shredded Parmesan Cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to about 200* C or about 375*F
  2. Lightly grease the baking tray and set it aside
  3. Place the boiled potato wedges in a large bowl. Drizzle with the oil and add all the spices and seasonings.
  4. Toss to coat.
  5. Place these spiced potatoes on to the baking tray. Let it bake, till they are roasted golden, say about 10 minutes
  6. Sprinkle with some parsley and Parmesan
  7. Β Then ATTACK!


  1. You can have these yummies as is, or with some sauce, or some cheesy dips.
  2. Sweet Potato variant – this is something I intend to try soon.

Moong Sprout – the Italian Way!

Dreaming of foods and then actually cooking them, is what I have been doing the last few days. Yes, I am absolutely in love with Food and I totally believe ‘Who Says Healthy Food Ain’t Fun’.

So keeping up with this here’s one of my recipes – that I made this morning and was fairly yummy and Nutritious.

So, here we go –

Moong Sprout – the Italian Way!

Ingredients –

  • 1 cup – Moong sprouts – boiled
  • 1 big SlicedΒ red onion
  • 1/2 cup Sliced capsicums – Red, Yellow, Green
  • 1/4 cup Sliced & Boiled French beans
  • 1/4 cup Sliced & Boiled Carrots
  • Finely chopped Parsley – handful
  • 1tsp Oregano
  • 1tsp Rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp Thyme
  • 1 tsp Chilly flakes
  • 1 tbsp Oil
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)

Method –

  1. Heat the oil in a casserole or large, wide pan and add all the spices, let it cook for 30 seconds
  2. Add all the vegetables, season with salt and pepper and gently stir it for a few minutes.
  3. Share it & EAT it πŸ˜‰ It’s a perfectly yummy & healthy snack


(This picture is from the pan)

‘Yummy in My Tummy’ AdditionΒ –

Eat with a hung curd dip – not only does it add up to a yummy dressing, it is also very nutritious.


New Year.. but..Not so New Resolutions

IT’S going to be New Year’s Eve soon. Most of you already have plans while some are still are clueless! But we all know one thing for certain – on New Year’s Eve – We will celebrate.. And our celebrations always include – FOOD & DRINKS (both alcoholic & non-alcoholic). And that evening you will still be heavy on tum ‘again’.. (well haven’t you been Β partying sinceΒ Christmas πŸ˜‰ )

BUT you try to justify and resolve it all with a New Year’s resolution to ‘lose weight’, like you did the year before this, and the year before that!

Going on a diet – more often than not is the most popular New Year’s resolution and as we know it does more harm than good, as we are always setting ourselves up to fail.

How is it possible, to be one kind of a person till Dec 31st and then suddenly as the clock strikes 12, become a super conscious health nut – immediately in the very nextΒ moment! So do you just drop all your lifestyle habits and adopt to a newer life – in that one moment?

We haveΒ  unrealistic expectations when it comes to dieting afterΒ the festive season. We equate a diet to a punishment, post all the merry making of Christmas & New Year – just to find ourselves repeat this pattern the following year. So did the punishment actually work?


I have always said – there is much more to weight loss than just diet and exercise. Here comes Jan and so many will skimp on food and slog at the gym. The more fun your New Year party was, the more you torture yourself

Thankfully, our body and brain are way more sensible than we are.Β Your body’s primary function is survival and if you deprive yourself of nutrients and lots of energy your body isn’t going to quickly let you into that bikini or that LBDΒ or raise your metabolism or give you the abs. Instead, it Β will slow down the metabolism and hold onto energy so you can actually survive, the self-inflicted torture

Before you start to work on your body – it is better to work on your mind. Don’t we all already know how important it is to exercise or how beneficial it is to eat at regular intervals is or any other nutrition or health related fact – yet we do the exact opposite.

How often have you experienced or heard from someone who had a stressful day at work and didn’t know the best way to deal with it, so just wentΒ home and binged on their favorite food or just had a few glasses of wine to calm themselves down. Then obviously you don’t sleep so well that night and the next day are a bit groggy so instead of starting their day with a fruit, they reach for a coffee. And in turn, increase the stress levels, within the body, leading to more cortisol and leading to more fat storage. Was your solution actually a solution?

So its not that we are not aware – we have just become slaves to our habits, we need to re-wire our mind first, to re-wire our habits, and then will the diet actually work for you.

It’s been a busy year, you are looking forward to have a good time at your New Year Party, then do just that. If your New Year Resolution has a list of 10 things you intend to change,Β cut it down to 1 or 2Β things and if you achieve it give yourself a high five. Be realistic in your expectations and let go of the extraΒ pressure you put on yourself to achieve the impossible. Give your self a gift of your own kindness this New Year



The Winter Wedding Season is here and you want to look your best; losing weight is definitely a part of that and not lose that enthralling glow.

Here are the top 5 MUST HAVES (ideally if you start this 2 months before the wedding it works the best, but now is a good time too)


The Perfect Protein solution. Proteins are important for repairing and building the cells. The amino acids are the basis of all the cell in our body. In fact structural proteins like collagen, elastin, and keratin create the connective tissues to keep our skin, hair and nails healthy. So this way you get your daily dose of protein whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian. This will ensure that your cells stay healthy ad collagen firm for a supple skin.

Also being a good source of minerals like calcium, it helps strengthen bone density and gives you a good, toned look.


  • A cup of milk at bed time, gives you that beauty sleep and helps your mind and body recover from the stresses of the day
  • Have a small bowl of curd/ glass of buttermilk before you step out for that party, it will not only keep you calmer and happy, it will also make your tummy look flatter


The Metabolizer. (Though this is another milk product, but this one definitely needs a special mention.)

Ghee contains conjugated linolenic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid, which leads to weight loss. It helps mobilize fats from those stubborn fat areas of the body.

It is the perfect solution for bloating, which is a common side effect with late night eating and sleepless nights

Also the essential fatty acids in ghee lead to good assimilation of fat soluble vitamins, more specifically Vitamin A & E and add that touch of glow to your face.

Tip: 3-4 tsps a day, preferably with your meals – and will give your tummy the flat look!


The complete detox solution. Sugarcane juice clears skin imperfections. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) which are part of the natural constituents of sugarcane juice, fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated.

Tip: Just 1 glass at day mid-afternoon will make your skin will look radiant and clean.


The anti-aging solution. Coconut water contains anti-microbial powerhouse called lauric acid that helps protect against skin infections. It also contains protein called cytokines that is responsible for encouraging cell growth and cell activation.

They regulate signals in response to inflammation caused by acne and also have an anti-ageing effect on the skin. Both external and internal use can improve wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.

Tip: Have it as a mid day meal, by itself, definitely add the malai to it – to give you the added glow


The Powerhouse. It is rich in powerful vitamins, anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, nutrients and moisture making it the perfect snack for instant energy.

This fruit will nourish and revitalize dry skin as well as smoothen rough and aging skin. If you have acne-prone oily skin, you can use it topically for oil control and to reduce further breakouts.

Rich in fibre and pre-biotic by nature, this fruit is your solution to building good gut friendly bacteria and can give you a flatter looking tummy!

Tip: Eat it first thing in the morning, and see your energy levels soar throughout the day.

(White) Butter makes life Better

How can we think of Janmashtami and not think of butter – the food that Lord Krishna loved so much that he wouldn’t even mind stealing and eating.

But today we cannot think of eating butter – because we only associate it to being fattening. But – was Lord Krishna fat?


We always picture Krishna as young, full of love, energy and enthusiasm; sharp, smart, intelligent and agile – being very quick in his movements – remember how he would steal butter? πŸ˜‰

Butter though high in calories (for the calorie-counters), not only does it enhance the taste of the food its added too, it is even better in its nutritive goodness and makes life much better for you.

  • It is rich in anti-ageing Vitamin A and enzymes. Being the β€˜fat’- it helps our body retain calcium, phosphorous and vitamin A and D.
  • Contrary to belief, white butter actually helps you LOSE WEIGHT! It helps in proper assimilation and metabolism of cholesterol and other fat constituents. Thereby breaking down and utilizing fats more efficiently. The result is – Fat Loss!
  • Have you ever stopped to wonder why your dadi or nani would give you khichdi with ghee or makhan when you were down with a cold and flu? White butter boosts and strengthens your immune system and in fact sometimes helps treat minor stomach infections too.
  • The molecular structure of butter helps it pass through the layers of the brain tissue that are otherwise impermeable. It helps the transportation of nutrients to the brain and takes away wastes from it making the brain function optimally – thereby making you smarter and sharper, just like Krishna.
  • The Vitamin E and Selenium (the antioxidant) in it makes your skin smooth and glowing.
  • If you find yourself complaining of weak or painful joints – think of White butter. It helps lubricate joints and improves movement.
  • Haven’t you heard people say – Fat adds Flavor – butter while making food yummy, also makes you feel satisfied. Isn’t daal-chawal or khichdi or even hot rotis with ghee so soul-satisfying?

A very important thing here is – you must NOT use makhan or ghee that is sold outside, instead make it at home. And like with any food – moderation and eating sensibly are key to Fitness and Wellbeing.

Happy Janmashtami!

The “Appearance Attraction”

Recently I met a few people – and as always they are obsessed about dropping β€˜x’ kilos by such and such date to fit into β€˜that’ dress or just appear a certain way. And to achieve their targets – they don’t really care about the approach – they could starve, skip meals, count calories, workout like crazies, anything but eating sensibly – they just want results! So I asked – would you put your child or someone you love on the same diet – I got a unanimous reply – NO WAY! Then why put yourself through it!?

What I don’t understand is that why is there so much attention on a certain number or appearance and at the same time so much disregard towards physiological and psychological parameters? Why do we forget that our body works as a whole unit – and anything we do or don’t impacts US – our body, mind and energy too at the same time.

An absolute focus only on Weight loss, with an indifferent or unaware approach to Fat loss – is simply Careless and even dangerous. How can we overlook the benefits that exercise and eating right have upon US – our body, mind and energy. The overall insulin sensitivity improves, fat burning is maximized. Strength-stamina-endurance gets better. We are better attuned to our Hunger cues and satiety signals. Heart, liver, kidney function better. We are more happier. We feel lighter. We look better (isn’t this the whole reason why most people want to β€˜lose weight’?!) πŸ˜‰

So I repeat myself – throw your scale – focus on living a disciplined life – be FIT. A good lifestyle ensures that you are not at risk of any lifestyle related disease – which are on high rise today. Get over the β€œAppearance Attraction” and get Sensible πŸ™‚
