“I was too busy at work, I just dint get time to eat.” Is this not the story of the most hardworking and busy people? So just let me clear a few things – this is not a sign of some righteous, honorable act, it’s a classical sign that you’re neglecting yourself, choosing work over health and going into a fat storage mode. Had you taken out 5 minutes to grab a quick bite, you have moved to fat burning mode. We all know the value of time – time lost can never be got back. Same applies to eating at the right time too.

So the obvious question is – what is the right time to eat? Eat through the day.  Yes, the quantity varies with each meal, changes every season, changes with your mood – but the act of eating consistently through the day remains.

Today we are aware and know that we need to eat before and after exercise – because our body needs the fuel. Like exercise is to physical body, mental activity or work is for the brain. The brain needs its fuel too. Your duration of exercise is restricted to an hour or max 2. Does this apply to work too? We work through the day say 9-5 or 11-7 – our brain; our eyes staring at the laptop are working. They need fuel. By not eating when busy or simply having tea/coffee to mask hunger signals, not only are you compromising on productivity, impairing your analytical skills but you are now charging towards weight gain, higher fat percentage and landing up closer to diabetes, heart disease.

To make this worse, when you are done with work, and you now realize you are hungry you end up having that fried yumminess outside work or buy a big bar of chocolate or have a pastry. And if not this, you end up overeating at home over dinner – because you are hungry! This leads to bloating, heaviness post dinner which leads to difficulty in falling sleep, so next day you wake up tired.

So break the cycle – EAT! Eat small frequent meals through the day, this practice not only keeps you satisfied, it also stabilizes your blood sugar, keeps you more alert, more productive – so in short your performance at work improves, your sleep cycle will get better – you will feel fresh and young.


Chill out this Summer with Coconut Water

Coconut is the world’s most natural, authentic and safe drink. It is rich in natural salt, sugar and electrolytes. It is the perfect answer to cool our sweltering summers. As the temperatures soar and the heat of the sun is at its peak – a glass of coconut water can do wonders. Here’s how:_13101052569a4093f11coconut-water-1200x900

  • It soothes the nerves and cools and refreshes the body.
  • During summers our digestive system really suffers – coconut water can naturally relax our intestines, keep it healthy. It reduces chances of stomach infection. It reduces acid reflux. In fact it is often used to treat indigestion.
  • It prevents urinary tract infections and reduces risk of kidney stones.
  • Being high in nutrients and B vitamins – it increases immunity and has anti –bacterial and viral properties.
  • It is a ‘heart tonic’. It improves blood circulation, lowers increased blood pressure. It reduces bad cholesterol and helps increase the good cholesterol; thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks.
  • According to the United Nations, coconut water is similar to blood plasma chemically. It has been used to save lives in developing countries, where blood plasma wasn’t available.
  • It is a natural anti-ageing solution that can give you a younger-looking skin. Rinse your face with it and it reduces eczema, wrinkles and age-spots

Did you Feed that Super Woman in You?

The Official United Nations theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is “Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!” The International Woman’s Day theme for 2015 is ‘Make It Happen’ with a dedicated hashtag for social media.

Women, rather ‘Super-Women’ world across – have been effortlessly managing home and work. In this rush, somewhere they forget to look after themselves. Their food and fitness really suffers. They are able to make and pack lunches and meals for their husbands and children, but cannot find time for themselves.


Accepting the reality how do you nourish yourself optimally – and when I say nourish – I mean it for your Mind, Body and Soul, try incorporating these 4 things in your routine:

  1. Eat your Carbs – yes Roti, rice are really important. When in the name of diet and to ‘lose weight’ you have only soup and salad for dinner, you not only lose energy, you lose your focus, your blood glucose becomes unsteady and you wake up more tired next morning. So instead have your rice / roti at night. If you want to cut down carbs, cut the processed packaged ones.
  2. Eat Right – Now most women follow the concept of eating every few hours. So what you eat in those times makes a lot of difference. Snack on things like chana, peanuts, nariyal pani, buttermilk, sugar cane juice, nuts etc. Not only are these yum, but also perfect for a woman who is always on the run.
  3. Sleep Sound – We all know the wonders of a good sleep, no wonder it is referred to as a ‘beauty sleep’. After you have slept well, you are ready to take on the world. In fact lack of sleep not only makes you tired, it impacts your judgment and slows down your metabolism, making you put on weight.
  4. Exercise – Taking some time out for yourself to exercise, can give you a break from everything on your mind and in your routine. Choose any exercise of your choice, do it 4-5 times a week religiously and see the difference for yourself. Apart from enhancing your body image, it gives you a positive attitude, good posture, glowing skin, lustrous hair and more.
  5. Love Yourself – when you are able to love everyone around you unconditionally, make sure to give yourself your love and acceptance. Avoid criticizing yourself, praise yourself instead. Be gentle, kind and patient with yourself – cut yourself some slack, you are human and you can do only this much! Give yourself a much deserved break. Treat yourself like you would treat your loved one. You deserve a special treatment too 🙂