From One Mom / Parent to Another

I see myself as a pro-food doctor (when I started practice) and now a pro-food mom. It is surprising and frustrating as well to see so many new myths – fads around food springing every day and really bright people not just embracing them, but also vehemently promoting them, without giving this new found knowledge some time to see the impact on their mind-body-soul.

Why the short-sightedness? Why the shortcuts? Why are intelligent people falling prey to these and what is even more surprising is that now they are teaching these same dim-witted concepts to their children – at least spare them the grief and educate them about balanced diet. Let their Knowledge of Food and Health be simple, uncomplicated and real.

My agitation comes from recently meeting parents who are forcing their new found food gyan on their kids, and yes seeing posts, and reading articles of proud parents introducing their children to warped ways of eating.

A 5 year old is not allowed a home made ladoo or an aloo paratha made in ghee because ghee is fattening, he is fat and his father’s side of the family is fat. He can eat packaged biscuits, granola bars, packaged flavoured yogurts, quinoa salad or avocado on toast. 😕🤔🙄🤐

His mother clearly dint care much about him having no physical activity. He in fact is considered ‘not cool’ if he wants to go down to play. He is supposed to read books of higher classes and play word games online- why of course because he is supposed to be a bright cool kid! Sweaty kids are not cool, you see 🥴😶😨

A sincere request from one mother/ parent to another – Please spare your kids this torture. I understand you are smart, tech savy, internet friendly, highly educated parents, but please do not mess with your children’s health- mental, physical and emotional.

Food is essential to life. Help your children find balance instead of confusing them. How many children are suffering from poor immunity today inspite of being fed so called ‘healthy’ food. Think about it!?

How often does your child retaliate the latest food discovery you place before them? Children want food – not proportioned or rationed carbs, proteins and fats.

Please know – Children are smart! Don’t you remember how even when they were just born, they knew when to howl, so you would nurse them and immediately refused to feed further when full. They did not care about carbs, proteins or fats. They in fact did not even care, that they did not let mommy dear sleep through the night.

So spare your kids, the latest food fad as these fads never last and newer ones keep replacing them. Instead let your child grow in an atmosphere of love, food, fun, education, understanding and acceptance!

Baked Parmesan Wedges

I love Potatoes! For me potato is comfort food. And yes – it is Healthy too! (Like any other food, as long as you eat it in moderation, Potato is good for you too)

“Power-Packed” Potato-ey Parmesan Wedges, made a perfect side to my dinner last night.


Here comes the Recipe:



  • 2-3 boiled potatoes, sliced into wedges. (You can leave the skin on – tastes way better!)
  • Finely chopped Parsley – handful
  • 1 pod garlic – finely grated
  • 1tsp Oregano
  • 1tsp Rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp Thyme
  • 1 tsp Chilly flakes
  • 1/2 tbsp Oil
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • 2-3 tbsp shredded Parmesan Cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to about 200* C or about 375*F
  2. Lightly grease the baking tray and set it aside
  3. Place the boiled potato wedges in a large bowl. Drizzle with the oil and add all the spices and seasonings.
  4. Toss to coat.
  5. Place these spiced potatoes on to the baking tray. Let it bake, till they are roasted golden, say about 10 minutes
  6. Sprinkle with some parsley and Parmesan
  7.  Then ATTACK!


  1. You can have these yummies as is, or with some sauce, or some cheesy dips.
  2. Sweet Potato variant – this is something I intend to try soon.


The Winter Wedding Season is here and you want to look your best; losing weight is definitely a part of that and not lose that enthralling glow.

Here are the top 5 MUST HAVES (ideally if you start this 2 months before the wedding it works the best, but now is a good time too)


The Perfect Protein solution. Proteins are important for repairing and building the cells. The amino acids are the basis of all the cell in our body. In fact structural proteins like collagen, elastin, and keratin create the connective tissues to keep our skin, hair and nails healthy. So this way you get your daily dose of protein whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian. This will ensure that your cells stay healthy ad collagen firm for a supple skin.

Also being a good source of minerals like calcium, it helps strengthen bone density and gives you a good, toned look.


  • A cup of milk at bed time, gives you that beauty sleep and helps your mind and body recover from the stresses of the day
  • Have a small bowl of curd/ glass of buttermilk before you step out for that party, it will not only keep you calmer and happy, it will also make your tummy look flatter


The Metabolizer. (Though this is another milk product, but this one definitely needs a special mention.)

Ghee contains conjugated linolenic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid, which leads to weight loss. It helps mobilize fats from those stubborn fat areas of the body.

It is the perfect solution for bloating, which is a common side effect with late night eating and sleepless nights

Also the essential fatty acids in ghee lead to good assimilation of fat soluble vitamins, more specifically Vitamin A & E and add that touch of glow to your face.

Tip: 3-4 tsps a day, preferably with your meals – and will give your tummy the flat look!


The complete detox solution. Sugarcane juice clears skin imperfections. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) which are part of the natural constituents of sugarcane juice, fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated.

Tip: Just 1 glass at day mid-afternoon will make your skin will look radiant and clean.


The anti-aging solution. Coconut water contains anti-microbial powerhouse called lauric acid that helps protect against skin infections. It also contains protein called cytokines that is responsible for encouraging cell growth and cell activation.

They regulate signals in response to inflammation caused by acne and also have an anti-ageing effect on the skin. Both external and internal use can improve wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.

Tip: Have it as a mid day meal, by itself, definitely add the malai to it – to give you the added glow


The Powerhouse. It is rich in powerful vitamins, anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, nutrients and moisture making it the perfect snack for instant energy.

This fruit will nourish and revitalize dry skin as well as smoothen rough and aging skin. If you have acne-prone oily skin, you can use it topically for oil control and to reduce further breakouts.

Rich in fibre and pre-biotic by nature, this fruit is your solution to building good gut friendly bacteria and can give you a flatter looking tummy!

Tip: Eat it first thing in the morning, and see your energy levels soar throughout the day.

The “Appearance Attraction”

Recently I met a few people – and as always they are obsessed about dropping ‘x’ kilos by such and such date to fit into ‘that’ dress or just appear a certain way. And to achieve their targets – they don’t really care about the approach – they could starve, skip meals, count calories, workout like crazies, anything but eating sensibly – they just want results! So I asked – would you put your child or someone you love on the same diet – I got a unanimous reply – NO WAY! Then why put yourself through it!?

What I don’t understand is that why is there so much attention on a certain number or appearance and at the same time so much disregard towards physiological and psychological parameters? Why do we forget that our body works as a whole unit – and anything we do or don’t impacts US – our body, mind and energy too at the same time.

An absolute focus only on Weight loss, with an indifferent or unaware approach to Fat loss – is simply Careless and even dangerous. How can we overlook the benefits that exercise and eating right have upon US – our body, mind and energy. The overall insulin sensitivity improves, fat burning is maximized. Strength-stamina-endurance gets better. We are better attuned to our Hunger cues and satiety signals. Heart, liver, kidney function better. We are more happier. We feel lighter. We look better (isn’t this the whole reason why most people want to ‘lose weight’?!) 😉

So I repeat myself – throw your scale – focus on living a disciplined life – be FIT. A good lifestyle ensures that you are not at risk of any lifestyle related disease – which are on high rise today. Get over the “Appearance Attraction” and get Sensible 🙂


Mindfulness Matters

Eating is life’s most vital activity, apart from breathing and sleeping (in the same order as well, I think 😉 ). We cannot sustain ourselves without eating. Eating is a must!

Most of the times, we eat so unconsciously, without being aware of how important food is to us. We have forgotten its role when it comes to – our survival, our health and also the way we look. It gives us energy to work, it allows us to think, move, create and thrive.

Our food preferences and choices are based on convenience as compared to our health and well-being. We have become so busy that even eating has just become another task on our ‘to-do’ list. We don’t really have the time to nourish body and soul.

Coming back to my point – Mindfulness Matters – Why?

Mindfulness makes us aware. When we begin to pay attention to how everything we eat, influences our body, we start making smarter choices about what foods to eat.

When we give our complete attention to the meal in front of us, we feel satisfied quickly, we eat less and are able to better digest what we eat.

We live in a fast-paced multi-taking world – we never really slow down. Even when we are eating, we are multi-tasking. We are either watching TV, or are talking to someone on the phone or reading something.

DID YOU KNOW – that multi-tasking registers as stress in the mind and therefore triggers a stress response in the body?

Now extend this to when you are eating. When you are eating under stress or when you are upset, it impacts not only what you eat, but how you digest it too.

Yes, Stress Impacts your Digestion

When your mind registers stress, a series of changes start taking place in the body instantly:

  • Blood pressure rises
  • Digestion is suppressed
  • Immunity is suppressed
  • Detoxification is suppressed
  • Gradual demineralization of bone
  • Fatty acid metabolism is impaired
  • Glucose is released
  • Cholesterol is released
  • Hormones are imbalanced
  • Muscle break down along with fluid retention
  • Fat is deposited
  • Decreased energy
  • Mood fluctuations

So when the mind perceives stress – digesting your food is not really a priority. In fact your digestive system is put on hold, as there other important things for the body to deal with.

Now – because the digestive system is shut down – fewer digestive enzymes are released and obviously this leads to decreased breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and protein.  Even the absorption of vitamins and minerals is impaired.

In fact, if you read the pointers above, during the stress response, the cells’ ability to metabolize fatty acids is also impaired. And, to top it off, the body tends to break down muscle and replace it with stored fat and excess fluid. Over time, this can cause weight gain. Still, wondering how you put on the weight!?

Also thanks to this – you experience digestive symptoms, such as acidity, heaviness, bloating, and sometimes unknown stomach discomfort. No matter how healthy or nutritionally balanced your food is, your body will not optimally absorb the nutrients from the meal, if the functioning of the digestive system is impaired

So, as you rush out the door in the morning, with a toast or a ‘snack bar’ in hand to catch your train, or eat lunch in front of a computer screen, or when you are super stressed about the day or are experiencing negative emotions tied to a certain someone or something, you are clearly telling your body “don’t digest.”

And so, Mindfulness Matters, being aware and paying attention while eating guarantees full digestion and maximum nutritional benefit. Try it Out – Results Guaranteed! 🙂 

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Make Most Out of your Fun Meal

Sunday Motivation 

Time we changed the name from a Cheat Meal to a ‘FUN’ MealHow to make the most of the FUN Meal – 
1) No Guilt Tripping – Eat it, Relish it & MOVE ON! Guilt only makes you Fatter 😉

2) Don’t Starve All Day or Eat little before you have your FUN meal – as a compensation. Eat as per plan all day, and when its time for Fun meal – eat it as it is 


Diwali Detox Diet – a Mania

As we go back to work, come back to our regular lives post the Diwali Dhamaka, so many are now looking to “DETOX”! The very popular ‘Diwali Detox Diet’, now has to be followed – we ‘sinned’ during Diwali, we ate mithais, we were up till late, so obviously now it’s time to punish ourselves – so bring out the yucky juices, boiled ill tasting food, and what not!

When I ask someone – who is dying to go on a Detox Diet – why do you want to Detox – I get a very standard reply – “Arre, I ate so much during Diwali – I now need to ‘make up’ for that and get back on track.” And to that I ask – so you think your body stores some ‘Special’ fat in some ‘Special’ parts – to let you know – that ‘Hey dude – this is your Diwali fat.’ Do you really believe a few days of eating – made you FAT? Did you suddenly go from being Skinny to Fat – thanks to Diwali? Exactly my point!

Yes, you ate more than you should, you indulged in mithais, you were up late – but did you not enjoy every minute of it? As you resume work now – do you torture yourself by adding extra hours at work or in any other way, because well you took a break – so time to punish yourself? No – you just went back to work. The same way, go back to eating sensibly, workout regularly, sleep on time and love yourself – including your body!

Be gentle with your mind and your body. Don’t create a belief for yourself that having fun has to be followed up with a punishment. Instead, teach yourself to live in Balance. Teach yourself to listen to what the body has to say, to listen to your Gut – your stomach. Your body is a miracle – it fixes every cut, every wound, when a tiny speck of dust gets into the eye, it is wise enough – to secrete tears so as to remove the speck. Even when you punish your body, torture it – in the name of weight loss – it is still here for you – doing the best it can and keeping you alive. Time you showed it some respect and TLC – it deserves.

I don’t understand – why celebrating a Festival – having fun with Family and loved ones has to be followed by a punishment? Why can we just not enjoy a festival, and move on with our lives – why go from one extreme to the other – bingeing and then starving – like now starve post Diwali and then go bingeing for Christmas and New Year and then make ‘Weight Loss’ as resolution AGAIN on 1st Jan.

Seriously!? Is this all there is to Life? We need to put an end to equating weight loss, of being a certain size to being Happy, worthy and successful and gaining weight as being the exact opposite. Being thinner does not ensure more happiness. Do you think – Cutting calories, climbing on the weighing scale each day, pinching and pulling your ‘fat’ body parts, and measuring self-worth this way – is Happy? I don’t think so!

If you really want to be happy – be committed to yourself. Start doing things that make you happy in a way that we feel connected to your inner self.

I am in no way advocating – remaining unhealthy or over weight. Eat sensibly, workout, drink lots of water, sleep well – get FIT. But don’t obsess over numbers – do what needs to be done – and focus on living your purpose, being Healthy, Fit & Happy – instead of being a certain size or weighing a certain number.


Eat a Modak Today

Today as you bow down and seek blessings of Ganpati, make sure you get your dose of a Modak too! 
Ingredients of a Modak –

Rice – High fibre, with essential amino acids, vitamins and many phytonutrients. Fat burning, Reduces Anxiety & Irritability.

Jaggery – Rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, calcium and phosphorus and antioxidants. When combined with rice steadies the blood sugar level by ensuring a slow release of all the nutrients in your blood stream and soothes the nerves
Coconut & Ghee – 2 most beautiful fats – the perfect Omegas – 3,6,9. Perfect for those desperately trying to get rid of the ‘stubborn’ fat areas
Love, Prayers & Blessings!
Exactly why a Modak is a blessing from Ganpati – the Remover of Obstacles. It Reduces Anxiety, Reduces Irritability, Soothes Anxious Nerves – overall Calming Effect – Overall feeling Loved, Protected & Blessed!