Lose Weight without Workout!

I am sure of 2 things happening –

  1. A lot of people will want to read this article – because so many people want to lose weight, but not workout
  2. People who have known me, will be stunned – “Is this really Khushboo promoting no workout?”

Well – the whole point of the title was to grab your attention, and I am sure I managed to grab it. Also this post comes after a long phase of silence (well – I am still slowly settling into motherhood, so kindly pardon my lapses)

Sunday morning, I was enjoying my chai and came across a Facebook post of a friend, on a “Diet” that promised weight loss without exercise, so obviously I had to talk – how could I not. I may have donned an additional hat – but I am still that food lover, the pro – sensible long term fat loss, keeping health the prime focus kinda woman.

I don’t get why exercise has such a bad name, that people use it as a marketing strategy. Well, for starters, exercise is important for health – it is NOT punishment. But most people are forced to exercise, when their excessive weight comes in their way – like pcos (leading difficult conception), high cholesterol, bad knees or cardiac issues.

I am shocked when people promote and even prefer weight loss by the kilos – ‘kitna kilo, kitne mahine main” (how many kgs in how many months) – and who is the biggest loser in this – not your weight for sure, but YOU. You lose your health, your youth, your skin, your hair, good food and even your peace of mind.

Exercise when coupled with eating correctly (mind you I promote eating right, not dieting, not fad diets, not soup salad for dinner, not low carb, etc) is the fastest, most guaranteed and sure shot way of achieving your dream body.

Exercise improves our blood circulation, strengthens the digestive fire and intestines – thus helping us digest better, prevents us from over stuffing our stomachs and faces, trains our body to consume calories from food instead of storing it as fat – leading to Fat Loss in the long run

So its time we stop taking exercise so casually, and to those who are too busy to exercise

fb1If you have time for #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #twitter or even #pinterest – you most definitely have time to WORKOUT

So save the excuses and make time to exercise, because

Excuse will not get you 'that' bodyEXERCISE will


New Year.. but..Not so New Resolutions

IT’S going to be New Year’s Eve soon. Most of you already have plans while some are still are clueless! But we all know one thing for certain – on New Year’s Eve – We will celebrate.. And our celebrations always include – FOOD & DRINKS (both alcoholic & non-alcoholic). And that evening you will still be heavy on tum ‘again’.. (well haven’t you been  partying since Christmas 😉 )

BUT you try to justify and resolve it all with a New Year’s resolution to ‘lose weight’, like you did the year before this, and the year before that!

Going on a diet – more often than not is the most popular New Year’s resolution and as we know it does more harm than good, as we are always setting ourselves up to fail.

How is it possible, to be one kind of a person till Dec 31st and then suddenly as the clock strikes 12, become a super conscious health nut – immediately in the very next moment! So do you just drop all your lifestyle habits and adopt to a newer life – in that one moment?

We have  unrealistic expectations when it comes to dieting after the festive season. We equate a diet to a punishment, post all the merry making of Christmas & New Year – just to find ourselves repeat this pattern the following year. So did the punishment actually work?


I have always said – there is much more to weight loss than just diet and exercise. Here comes Jan and so many will skimp on food and slog at the gym. The more fun your New Year party was, the more you torture yourself

Thankfully, our body and brain are way more sensible than we are. Your body’s primary function is survival and if you deprive yourself of nutrients and lots of energy your body isn’t going to quickly let you into that bikini or that LBD or raise your metabolism or give you the abs. Instead, it  will slow down the metabolism and hold onto energy so you can actually survive, the self-inflicted torture

Before you start to work on your body – it is better to work on your mind. Don’t we all already know how important it is to exercise or how beneficial it is to eat at regular intervals is or any other nutrition or health related fact – yet we do the exact opposite.

How often have you experienced or heard from someone who had a stressful day at work and didn’t know the best way to deal with it, so just went home and binged on their favorite food or just had a few glasses of wine to calm themselves down. Then obviously you don’t sleep so well that night and the next day are a bit groggy so instead of starting their day with a fruit, they reach for a coffee. And in turn, increase the stress levels, within the body, leading to more cortisol and leading to more fat storage. Was your solution actually a solution?

So its not that we are not aware – we have just become slaves to our habits, we need to re-wire our mind first, to re-wire our habits, and then will the diet actually work for you.

It’s been a busy year, you are looking forward to have a good time at your New Year Party, then do just that. If your New Year Resolution has a list of 10 things you intend to change, cut it down to 1 or 2 things and if you achieve it give yourself a high five. Be realistic in your expectations and let go of the extra pressure you put on yourself to achieve the impossible. Give your self a gift of your own kindness this New Year


Eat a Modak Today

Today as you bow down and seek blessings of Ganpati, make sure you get your dose of a Modak too! 
Ingredients of a Modak –

Rice – High fibre, with essential amino acids, vitamins and many phytonutrients. Fat burning, Reduces Anxiety & Irritability.

Jaggery – Rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, calcium and phosphorus and antioxidants. When combined with rice steadies the blood sugar level by ensuring a slow release of all the nutrients in your blood stream and soothes the nerves
Coconut & Ghee – 2 most beautiful fats – the perfect Omegas – 3,6,9. Perfect for those desperately trying to get rid of the ‘stubborn’ fat areas
Love, Prayers & Blessings!
Exactly why a Modak is a blessing from Ganpati – the Remover of Obstacles. It Reduces Anxiety, Reduces Irritability, Soothes Anxious Nerves – overall Calming Effect – Overall feeling Loved, Protected & Blessed!

Bigger muscles burn more calories than little ones

Exercise to increase your lean body weight. The more lean weight you have, the more efficient your body moves and the higher your metabolism, even at rest. By increasing your lean body weight, your bones become more dense and your muscles, tendons and ligaments become stronger. The great side effect of all this is that it’s easier to avoid getting fat. Remember, bigger muscles burn more calories than little ones.

Want to see your Body transform? 

Want to see your Body transform? Make the decision – the ACT on it – daily. It will become your lifestyle and you and those around you will see results. #merakiwellbeing #FitnessFriday #khushboothakker  



You dint pile on all the Weight in a day. So be at it. Eat Well. Workout. Be Active. MOVE #merakiwellbeing #MotivationMonday #khushboothakker  


Dump your Weighing Scale

Muscle is Dense than Fat.. So the Scales are not always the Best way to measure Fat Loss #dumpyourscale #merakiwellbeing #SpectacularSaturday #khushboothakker  

Non Scale Victories

Do any of these apply in your case? Or is there something else you noticed? Share your experience 🙂 #merakiwellbeing #SpectacularSaturday #khushboothakker


What is Your Reason for Working Out?

 I Workout for Confidence, Strength, the Feeling after a Workout, the Feeling of Accomplishment, Health, My Loved Ones, Happiness & Stress Relief. I Workout For ME. #merakiwellbeing #FitnessFriday #khushboothakker